“Now Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, was judging Israel at that time.” Judges 4:4
Deborah was a leader. She came to Israel’s aid. A prophetess and a wife, She served God unafraid. Chosen by God to serve, A woman of faith and might, Insight in solving disputes, Hearing from God what’s right. She commanded armies, Always following God’s word. Barak counted on her To fight God’s wars she incurred. Deborah fought each war, Giving the outcome to God. The Lord went ahead of her. Victory, praise, and laud! On that day, Deborah sang Praises to the mighty Lord, Giving honor to the king, Belief in one accord, “May all Your enemies Be defeated and perish, But those who love You will shine Like the sun we cherish.” Now Deborah led the land, And at last, peace found its way. She discerned and boldly judged. God guided her each day. God still uses women For His glory and His will. They have an important role. God’s purposes fulfill. (Based on Judges 4-5)
The best of the judges was Deborah. The people recognized her wisdom and came to her for counsel and conflict resolution . The military recognized her as supreme commander and in fact only went to war on her personal command. Her leadership was so good that “the land had rest for forty years.” a rare occurrence at any point in Israel’s history.
Life lessons from Deborah
Deborah’s Commitment
1. Deborah was devoted to God.
2. Deborah was devoted to her family.
3. Deborah was devoted to her country.
Deborah’s Confidence
1.Deborah was confident in God’s Word.
2. Deborah was confident in God’s will.
3. Deborah was confident in God’s work.
4. Deborah was confident in God’s way.
(From David Jeremiah’s Blog)
What Deborah did in her generation we must be willing to do in ours. We can stand up against the evil in this world. We can be like Deborah and be committed, courageous, and confident. Ask God what He wants you to do.