With all that is happening in the world today and the despair we see all around us, my focus this week is on hope, the kind of hope that can only be realized in Christ. My poem, “Hope” (“From My Heart”) is based on Lamentations 3:22-32. In Chapter 3 Jeremiah was in affliction. He was walking in darkness and experiencing bitterness and hardship. His soul was downcast, yet he had hope. Why? Because he realized God’s mercy flows feely to His children whom He loves and that was his comforting hope.
Curious to see when I had written, “Hope,” I discovered that it was dated November 25, 2018. What was I doing on that day and what was my inspiration? I have kept a daily journal since 2000; I found it in Journal #37. I was with my family at Turks and Caicos. The day before I had been parasailing. I was apprehensive about going but enjoyed the beautiful view. The verse at the bottom of the journal page had been underlined. “Be strong and courageous. The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” ( Joshua 1:9) It is comforting to know that God is with me whether I am at home or flying high above the Atlantic Ocean.
Our hope is not where we are but whose we are. God not only protects us on our joyous mountaintop experiences but also in the valleys of sickness, impatience, darkness, loss, loneliness, hatred, grief, violence, and worry. Because of God’s great love, we are not consumed. His compassions never fail. They are new every morning. Even in our darkest days, God’s great faithfulness shines through. God allows us to experience life’s joys as well as sadness. His desire is to see us take everything we experience to Him and know that He is in control and wants what is best for us. Our hope is found in our relationship with God, not our circumstances. May you have that hope today.
Hope Through the Lord’s great mercies We’re not consumed, though frail, Because His compassions And love never fail. The Lord’s mercy and love Are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness And Your grace outpouring. “The Lord is my portion,” Declares my longing soul, Therefore I hope in Him! That’s my prayer and my goal. The Lord is good to those Who always wait for Him. The soul who seeks the Lord Even when life grows dim. It’s good that one should hope And on God quietly wait. His salvation is near And His power is great. It is good for a man To bear his yoke in youth, Submitting all to God Abiding in the truth. Let him sit hushed, alone, For God set him apart To show unworthiness, For hope is in his heart. Let him offer his cheek To everyone who hits, And be filled with reproach But to God’s will submits. Never will the Lord God Forever cast away. Though He allows our grief His compassion will stay. For there is no patience Unless our hope commands. We have believing hearts, And in His grace we stand. Lamentations 3:22-32